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Liam Neeson movie to hold up traffic in Canberra

A Liam Neeson-movie is partly filmed in Canberra.

CANBERRA’S city streets will turn into a movie set for the filming of a potential Hollywood blockbuster.

But the excitement for the Liam Neeson-movie “Blacklight” will also cause a number of road and footpath closures and changes to public transport for several days.

Filming will take place on Thursday (January 14) and will continue through until possibly January 22.

The crux of the scenes to be shot are a number of car chases around Civic.

Crews started early on Thursday morning to direct commuter traffic around the locations.

Early onlookers on their way to work or shopping were caught watching the commotion and spotting a number of the stunt cars parked on city roads.

But those Canberrans looking to spot Neeson on set would be disappointed, with only stunt drivers depicting the Northern Irish movie star present.

Neeson has been filming the rest of the movie in Melbourne and has since headed back to the US.

Canberra was chosen for the film-ending car chase because of its likeness to Washington DC.

The film was initially set to be shot entirely in Canberra, but was changed following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

The limited number of dates in Canberra was still expected to bring in more than $1 million into the Canberra economy and create local jobs.

The movie’s producers have been working with Canberra residents and businesses in recent weeks to minimise the impact of filming and subsequent closures.

It will limit access to seven street locations for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists during filming.

On?street parking on the streets will also not be permitted at that time.

The eastern car park at Canberra Olympic Pool will be closed until 6.30pm every day until January 22 for the production site compound.

While businesses, residences and shopfront will still have access, it might be via an indirect route, take longer and face possible delays.

Locations that will be closed to the general public from Thursday until Sunday (January 17):

  • London Circuit from Constitution Avenue to Ainslie Avenue
  • Akuna Street from London Circuit to Cooyong Street
  • Bunda Street from Petrie Street to Binara Street
  • Binara Street from Akuna Street to Allara Street
  • Allara Street from Binara Street to Constitution Avenue
  • Nangari Street from Allara Street to London Circuit
  • Rabaul Lane from Nangari Street to Akuna Street.

Nightly “disruptions” will occur to the general public January 19 to January 22 between 8 pm and 6am:

  • Edinburgh Avenue from Phillip Law Street to Lawson Crescent and at the Parkes Way exit ramp (westbound) will be closed periodically as required
  • full closure of London Circuit (both directions) between Northbourne Avenue and Akuna Street. Access will be maintained until 11pm before the full closure comes into effect.

Nightly road closures will also be in place on the following roads from January 18 to January 22 between 8pm and 6am:

  • rolling lane closures on Parkes Way between Coranderrk Street and Clunies Ross Street.
  • Tambreet Street will also be closed in both directions from the Majura Parkway overpass to the Majura Parkway northbound entry and exit ramps that includes the Majura Road northbound exit ramp to Tambreet Street and the Tambreet Street northbound entry ramp to the Majura Parkway from January 20 until January 22 from 8.30am to 6am Friday 22 January 2021. 

Possible additional closures will also be put in place, with roadside signage to be erected ahead of all road closures. To keep up-to-date, please visit


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