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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

ACT on alert after covid case stopped in Goulburn

A CONFIRMED case of COVID-19 was potentially infectious when they were in Jervis Bay, Goulburn, Hyams Beach and Vincentia just over a week ago. 

The person, who had an onset of symptoms on May 25, tested positive yesterday (June 1) in Melbourne.

The areas of concern that the person visited while potentially infectious include:

  • Shell Coles Express Big Merino, 1/3 Sowerby Street, Goulburn, from 10am-11.30am, Monday, May 24.
  • Trapper’s Bakery, 4 Sowerby Street, Goulburn, 10am-11.30am, Monday, May 24.
  • Cooked Goose Cafe (formerly Hyams Beach Cafe), Hyams Beach, 76 Cyrus Street, 10am-12pm, Sunday, May 23.
  • Green Patch campground, Booderee National Park, Village Bay Road, Jervis Bay, all day, Sunday, May 23, and until 9am, Monday, May 24. 
  • Coles, Vincentia Shopping Village), 21 The Wool Road, Vicentia, 12pm-1pm, Sunday, May 23. 

NSW Health is continuing to investigate the movements of this case in and around Jervis Bay, and the list of venues is likely to be updated.

ACT Health is advising anyone currently in the ACT who visited any of the exposure sites to:

  • contact ACT Health on 5124 6209 (between 8am and 6pm),
  • complete an online declaration form. The online declaration form will be available on the ACT’s COVID-19 website later today.
  • get tested for COVID-19,
  • quarantine immediately for 14 days from the date they were last in the exposure location even if they get a negative test result.

For ACT residents who visited one of these exposure sites and who are not currently in the ACT, an ACT Health spokesperson says they should follow the advice of the jurisdiction they are in.

“If they must return to the ACT, they may need to seek an exemption to leave quarantine from the jurisdiction you are in,” the spokesperson says.

“ACT Health is also asking ACT residents who are not in the ACT to seek an exemption from ACT Health prior to entering the ACT, so that we can assist you with your safe return to the ACT. Quarantine requirements will apply.

“Any non-ACT residents who are planning to come to the ACT and have visited any of the NSW exposure locations during the dates and times specified, cannot enter the ACT without an approved exemption prior to arrival. Exemptions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. The form is available on the COVID-19 website.  Quarantine requirements will also apply.”

All travel requirements for Victoria, including the “Stay at Home” requirements, are currently in place until 11.59pm on Thursday, June 3, however, after the Victorian Government extended its lockdown this afternoon, ACT Health is now assessing the situation and will provide further information tomorrow.

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