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Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Twenty-five covid cases recover

Dr Kerryn Coleman. Photo: Holly Treadaway

TWENTY-five of the ACT’s active covid cases have recovered, bringing the number of active cases down to 236. 

Two-hundred and sixty-one cases have been linked to the latest outbreak, with one of the case numbers removed due to a false positive result. 

There are now 191 exposure sites of concerns across the whole of the ACT. 

Because of this ACT chief health officer Dr Kerryn Coleman says: “No matter which region you live in it’s very important to keep up-to-date with these exposure locations on our website.” 

The age distribution amongst cases has changed slightly and Dr Coleman says 34 per cent of cases are aged zero to 17, 50 per cent are 18 to 44, 13 per cent are aged 45 to 64 and three per cent are aged over 65.

Social housing village listed as close contact site

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