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Dare you take a plunge down the Lovett Tower?

Canberra PCYC “Dare to Plunge”, Lovett Tower, Woden.

Dare you plunge down Lovett Tower? That’s the exciting challenge from the PCYC as the community organisation launches a fundraising weekend of activities and Ferraris.

CANBERRA Police Community Youth Club (PCYC) will ask people to “Dare to Plunge” as they abseil, zipline or stair climb Lovett Tower in Woden, as part of the two-day Festival of Ferraris, all raising funds for the community organisation. 

Cheryl O’Donnell, CEO of Canberra PCYC, says the fundraiser will be the first time people can have the chance to zipline off the Lovett Tower skyscraper. 

Paul Costa… award-winning singer performing at the PCYC concert.

To abseil or zipline, Cheryl says that participants will need to raise at least $850 as a donation to the PCYC.

“The first 20 people to raise $1200 will get to do both abseiling and zip lining!” says Cheryl. 

For those wanting to keep their feet on the ground, on Saturday, December 3, there will be family entertainment, displays from the ESA and the Police, food stalls and live music. 

On the Sunday, there will be 75 Ferraris on display as well as a concert with award-winning artist Paul Costa. 

“Canberra PCYC provides intensive support to children and adults who suffer from trauma-related issues,” says Cheryl.

“We also provide support to young people and adults with disabilities. Our programs are highly sought after but, we have been doing it tough over the past few years due to covid and need the community’s help,” says Cheryl. 

“Every dollar raised goes directly back into programs that are making a difference to the lives of so many. I encourage people to get behind this action-packed event.” 

Canberra PCYC “Dare to Plunge” & Festival of Ferraris, December 2-4, Lovett Tower, Woden. To register and start fundraising, visit

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2 Responses to Dare you take a plunge down the Lovett Tower?

Max Reith says: 10 November 2022 at 9:01 pm

Why is the headline a question? It’s a statement.

Ian Meikle says: 11 November 2022 at 12:50 pm

Max, good point. Had the heading said “Dare you to take the plunge…” then, yes, it would be a statement. “Dare you [could you, would you] take the plunge” is a question.


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