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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Karabar changerooms get an upgrade

The new changerooms and toilets at Karabar netball courts

MORE than $500,000 has been spent upgrading change rooms and toilets at the Karabar netball courts.

The new look change rooms – funded through the NSW government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund – were officially unveiled today.

NSW Deputy Premier Paul Toole said the new facilities would provide a more comfortable experience for players and spectators.

“We know how important sport is in regional communities and these kind of facilities will encourage even more locals to take part, no matter the weather conditions,” Mr Toole said.

Monaro MP Nichole Overall said the change room upgrade would benefit some 650 players and spectators.

“These top class facilities will encourage more women in sport, attract more netball events and carnivals, as well as seniors walking netball, training sessions, team bonding and umpire training in wet weather conditions,” Overall said.

“The Monaro is famous for supporting and nurturing sporting stars and I can’t wait to see some future NSW Swifts enjoying these new facilities in Karabar.”

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