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Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Snow falls around ACT region

Snow in Captains Flat this morning. Photo: Robert Jensen.

A CHILLY morning has seen snow fall in Queanbeyan and throughout the ACT region.

Residents have taken to social media to report snowfall in Googong, Karabar, Royalla and Captains Flat.

Snow has also been sighted on Mount Ainslie.

According to ACT Weather Watch, snow settled on the hills above Theodore in Southern Canberra.

Snow falls in southside Canberra. Photo: Nathanel Coyne, Twitter. @NathanaelCBR.

It follows the Tuggeranong weather station recording a drop from 8°C to 4.7°C in just 30 minutes early this morning.

Weather Watch says snow is likely to be falling in the mountains throughout the day, with flurries falling to 900m.

A snowy morning in Captains Flat. Photo: Sam Warry, Twitter.

The Bureau of Meteorology predicts a rainy and chilly afternoon ahead, with the max temperature in Canberra only set to reach 11°C.

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