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Friday, September 20, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Drunk woman speeding on Gungahlin Drive

A BRUCE woman was caught speeding at 142 km/h in a 90 km/h zone while more than double the legal alcohol limit on Tuesday (May 17).

About 11.15pm on Tuesday, police stopped the 29-year-old after catching her driving at more than 50 km/h over the speed limit on Gungahlin Drive.

The woman was taken to Belconnen Police Station after returning a positive roadside breath test.

Another breath test at the station indicated 0.116 grams of alcohol per 210 litres of breath. The driver was issued an immediate suspension notice, losing her licence for three months.

The woman was released from police custody and received a Court Attendance Notice to attend the ACT Magistrates Court in July in relation to exceeding the speed limit (Non-School Zone Greater than 45km/h) and drink driving (Level 3 Prescribed Concentration of Alcohol).

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