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Century-old pistol surrendered to police

The old pistol surrendered to police this week.

A WORLD War I-era pistol has been surrendered to the Woden Police Station.  

On Wednesday (February 8) an elderly man voluntary surrendered the gun, which police say is estimated to be 108 years old.

Police will arrange for the firearm to be assessed for historical value or disposed of safely.

The ACT is taking part in a permanent National Firearms Amnesty, to remove unwanted, unregistered, or illicit, firearms from the community.

Police say anyone with an unregistered firearm or firearm-related items can surrender them without penalty, for registration, sale or destruction to the ACT Firearms Registry, 86 Vicars Street, Mitchell. More information and how to make an appointment here.

Anyone unable to bring a firearm in to police should call 5126 9076 to organise collection.

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One Response to Century-old pistol surrendered to police

Palmerston's Appraisal says: 11 February 2023 at 11:56 am

It is a Steyr M1912 pistol and was the standard Austro-Hungarian military handgun of World War I. A large number were disposed of cheaply to the Australian market a few years ago, however the cost of reloading for competition, not to mention its abstract approach to accuracy, far outweighed the initial purchase savings.

The pictured item is far from museum quality.


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