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Thursday, March 27, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Police chase car with missing tyre

The grey Subaru Liberty with one tyre missing

A 41-year-old Karabar man has been arrested for allegedly trying to avoid police in NSW and the ACT in a car with one tyre missing.

At about 10.45pm on Wednesday, NSW police informed ACT police that they were in pursuit of a grey Subaru Liberty station wagon, heading towards the ACT.

Local police say they found the driver soon after on Athlon Drive, Wanniassa. The rubber from the rear passenger side tyre was gone.

As an officer approached the car, the driver attempted to accelerate away, but only went 100 metres before the missing tyre resulted in the car losing control and coming to a stop on an embankment, where the driver fled.

After a short foot pursuit, police arrested the driver and the car was seized under road transport legislation for failing to stop.

Police found other items in the car which they believe may have been stolen.

The Karabar man has been charged with one count of failing to stop a motor vehicle for police, one count of unlawful possession of stolen property as well as three other driving related offences.

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