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NSW premier laments continuing covid vaccine mandates

Premier Dominic Perrottet has called for the end of broad COVID-19 vaccine mandates in NSW. (Dean Lewins/AAP PHOTOS)

By Luke Costin in Sydney

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet has called for the end of broad COVID-19 vaccine mandates in his state, saying the jab has no effect on transmission.

Public health orders mandating vaccines for health professionals expired in November but some workplaces can require mandatory vaccination under their own applicable work, health and safety obligations.

“There is no evidence that vaccines in the current environment have any impact at all on transmission of covid. I could not be clearer,” Mr Perrottet told Sydney radio 2GB on Monday.

He said health facilities imposed some vaccine requirements on workers before the pandemic, usually for influenza, and that was the point he wanted to get back to.

“In the areas of the public service that I can make that direction, I have it and it has been enacted,” he said.

“I’ve also worked very closely with the private sector who have followed my position.”

Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends adults get a vaccine booster if they haven’t been vaccinated or caught the virus in the past six months, and are either over 65 or have medical comorbidities that increase their risk of severe COVID-19.

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2 Responses to NSW premier laments continuing covid vaccine mandates

Anton says: 28 February 2023 at 9:53 pm

Lucky we don’t get our medical advice from [Mr Perrottet]. The vaccine,whether it stops infection from covid or discourages it is irrelevant, the vaccine has saved tens of thousands of lives by lessening the affects of the virus which is clearly illustrated by the massive decrease in deaths since the jab was initiated.

bob says: 14 March 2023 at 11:52 pm

Anton, you are incorrect

Let’s deal in facts…
I will list just 10 things, there are many more I could put down.
All are verifiable but may be somewhat shocking to those who only listen to MSN and have never heard the greater picture.

1. The vaccines does NOT stop transmission, it was actually never designed nor tested for it. This was DIRECTLY stated by a Pfizer executive before the European council.

The bivalent vaccine was also only ever tested on 8 mice! Squeak!!! Yikes 🙂

2. The number of deaths kept going UP since the vaccine was introduced. I recommend you go and study the NSW Respiratory reports. You might also look at Worldmeters to review the data also.

3. Lockdowns slow the virus down only 0.2% but wrecked the economy, closed business and has effectively stalled the world economy. Lockdowns were a failure and pushed by the fearful and those wanting to stamp their authority over the people.

4. Masks according to the latest metadata analysis by the Cockran institute, states that masks were ineffective. This is studying 98 trials with nearly 1,000,000 participants.

5. The median age of a covid death was in fact 83.1 years of age, this should never have been given to younger people, the risk benefit is not there. The harm rate is now 1 in 800 after a meta analysis of the data was done again by data scientists. In history, when vaccine harm went above 1 in 100,000, vaccines were halted. Not this one though.

6. The risk of dying from covid for those under the age of 59 years of age is 0.03%. Read that number again – that means 99.97% of people 59 years and under, will survive just fine.

7. We know that the numbers attributed to covid are vastly inflated, this is because of Died WITH covid and died OF covid was not delineated (check the NSW Respiratory Reports).
We also know that the died with covid ratio is around 16% of the total, so you do the numbers! The actual deaths are far lower than tabled.
Then you have the inconvenient fact that those who are vaccinated make up the vast majority of admissions to hospital and ICU now and for a while there, when I was looking at the data, they made up the majority of the deaths also!
So much for your precious vaccine protection.
The vaccine should have only been given to the elderly at risk and those with extensive comorbidities. Panic pushed it onto everyone.

8. Our TGA and ATAGI were negligent at best in not actually reviewing any patient data over the vaccine trials. They instead relied upon the FDA to do the ground work.
The problem was Pfizer supplied the trial data and the FDA modified the data before giving it to Australia – this is tabled in a recent parliamentary question session by Senator Malcom Roberts and if you are really interested in knowing other very pertinent factors, you should watch Senator Gerad Rennick also. they both table in parliament some rather shocking details that the Australian public should be made aware of.

9. Australia now has a 17.3% excess death mortality rate that coincides with the introduction of the vaccines. Autopsies are not being done and every excuse other than the vaccines is being trotted out, climate change, lack of exercise due to lockdown, artificial sweetner!, to name just a few.
The government is not interested in looking into the excess deaths, and is ignoring it.
Excess deaths are measured over a 5 year average and never vary more than 2%, yet alone a whopping 17+ percent increase.
We need these excess deaths investigated, not ignored.

10. There are so many other factors, but let’s put the deaths in perspective, so that people who panicked will realise how much they should not have, and will hopefully not panic again next time someone yells out ‘flu’

Here are the causes of death in Australia for 2021, ranked. You can find this by searching on the Australian Bureau of Statistics

1, Heart Disease (as expected, sadly, as this a preventable disease!)

10. Falling

22. Influenza / Phenomena

34. Covid <— Pay attention to where covid ranks

That's right, way down at number 34, we have covid!

Do you get up in the mornings and pad yourself up in protective gear in case you fall over?
No? why not? You are more likely to die from falling, than from covid

I have only scratched the surface, there is so much more to this story


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