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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Cartoon / Dose of Dorin

Cartoon: Paul Dorin

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Paul Dorin

Paul Dorin

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2 Responses to Cartoon / Dose of Dorin

Tony Magee says: 10 September 2024 at 11:42 pm

Every headline and the substance of most reports on the passing of James Earl Jones goes on and on with this obsession of “the voice of Darth Vader”. Can we get some perspective here please? The man made 84 movies as an actor – not just a voice, from 1964 to 2021. He also appeared in 34 stage plays from 1958 to 2016, in lead roles including The Merchant of Venice (as Prince of Morocco), Othello (as Othello), Hamlet (as Claudius), King Lear (as Lear), Of Mice and Men (as Lennie), On Golden Pond (as Norman), Cat On a Hot Tin Roof (as Big Daddy), and Driving Miss Daisy (as driver, Hoke Colburn), the latter opposite Angela Lansbury. The two of them toured Australia with this production in 2013 to sold out houses and rave reviews in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth.

David says: 13 September 2024 at 7:53 am

I don’t think JEJ would have wanted or needed anyone to go into bat for him and would have been quite amused by the cartoon.


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