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Thursday, September 26, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Disgraced ex-CIT chief urged to repay salary

Former CIT CEO Leanne Cover. Photo: TAFE Directors Australia.

The ACT Greens want disgraced former CIT CEO Leanne Cover to repay the six-figure salary she received during the two years she was stood down on full pay while the ACT Integrity Commission investigated a series of multi-million dollar contracts awarded to a single consultant.

She became the commission’s first finding of corrupt conduct when the Special Report of the Integrity Commission’s Operation Luna was made public on Thursday afternoon.

Ms Cover resigned on June 18, two years after she was “temporarily” stood down on full pay ($373,061 a year) until the investigation into more than $8.5 million awarded to “complexity and systems thinker” Patrick Hollingworth was complete.

“Resigning from your position should not let you escape consequences for a violation of the ACT Public Service code of conduct or even the Financial Management Act,” said Greens spokesperson on democracy, integrity and community engagement, Andrew Braddock MLA.

“A finding of serious corrupt conduct has been made. Ms Cover can and should be held accountable for her actions.

“A good start could be recovering those parts of her salary that she was paid while under investigation.”


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One Response to Disgraced ex-CIT chief urged to repay salary

Eleanor T. says: 29 June 2024 at 3:38 pm

“Disgraced ex-CIT chief urged to repay salary.” What are the odds of that happening? Very little, I would guess.


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