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Tech giant concern as social media ban passes

A social media ban on children under 16 years will take effect in 12 months.

By Andrew Brown and Tess Ikonomou in Canberra

Social media platforms have hit out at an incoming age limit for Australian children after laws passed federal parliament.

In a world first, children under 16 will be banned from using social media, after the House of Representatives signed off on the proposal on Friday,

The laws, which will come into effect from late 2025, will capture platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit and X (formerly Twitter)

Exemptions will apply for health and education services including YouTube, Messenger Kids, WhatsApp, Kids Helpline and Google Classroom.

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, said while they respected the decision by federal parliament, issues remained with how the ban would be enforced.

“We are concerned about the process which rushed the legislation through while failing to properly consider the evidence, what industry already does to ensure age-appropriate experiences, and the voices of young people,” a spokesman for Meta said.

“The task now turns to ensuring there is productive consultation on all rules associated with the bill to ensure a technically feasible outcome that does not place an onerous burden on parents and teens and a commitment that rules will be consistently applied across all social apps used by teens.”

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said social media companies would have a greater responsibility to keep children safe online.

“Platforms now have a social responsibility to ensure the safety of our kids is a priority for them,” he told reporters in Canberra on Friday.

“Parents can have a different discussion with their young ones, a different discussion that will result in better outcomes and less harm for young Australians.”

Social media sites will have to take reasonable steps to prevent under-16s from creating accounts, with $50 million fines to be imposed on companies for systemic breaches.

Mr Albanese said the 12-month gap between the laws being passed and coming into effect will ensure the changes will be effective.

“What we’ve done is world leading. We’ll work to make sure that it’s got right. But the legislation is very clear,” he said.

“We don’t argue that its implementation will be perfect. Just like the alcohol ban for under 18 , it doesn’t mean that someone under 18 never has access, but we know that it’s the right thing to do.”

Age-verification trials on how young people would be stopped from accessing social media are still ongoing.

The Meta spokesman said an option would be age verification through operating systems or app stores.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said the ban would be a relief to parents.

“It’s something that most, most parents around the country would give a head nod to, because these big tech companies only see our kids as a profit-making venture,” he told Nine’s Today program.

“Hopefully we can keep young kids, young impressionable minds, off Snapchat and other social media platforms.”

Opposition communications spokesman David Coleman said the coalition would make enforcing the bans a priority, should they win government at the next election.

“This new law will make a real difference for Australian families,” he said.

“It has taken longer than we would have liked for the government to act, but we are pleased that this law has now passed the parliament.”

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has said social media users won’t be forced to hand over government-issued IDs including passports to verify their age.

But it’s unclear how age would be confirmed without identity verification, a parliamentary committee found.

DIGI managing director Sunita Bose said there were still many questions about how the ban would work.

“The social media ban could push young people into darker, less safe corners of the internet that do not have the safety guardrails that exist on mainstream platforms,” she said.

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3 Responses to Tech giant concern as social media ban passes

Mike Dinn says: 29 November 2024 at 5:31 pm

There is no feasible technical solution, without a foolproof digital id. Even then there’ll be a lot of smart people looking for workarounds. And in any case, how can harmful “social media” be defined?

David says: 29 November 2024 at 6:25 pm

So who honesty believes kids are just going to say. Oh, no social media so we’ll just go without and step back X years? Ask yourself why kids are even on it in the first place and why those vulnerable ones were given technology capable of accessing it, let alone actually accessing it. The answer is, the majority of kids want to be included and accepted and having their parents saying, no mobile phone or no account would have made the parents part of the problem. Kids will find a way to communicate with the available technology and we’ve just given bullies more fuel by pushing them into the shadows with probably more control over who’s in and and who’s not. If you’re wondering how it will be worked around then ask yourself why gambling is acceptable if it’s disguised as a guessing competition.

The desire that makes vulnerable kids want to be on social media and take notice of it is still there. We haven’t stopped that. We’ve just tried to stop one of the mediums where it plays out, of which we have some understanding, and moved to some other place….. It’s like saying, research shows that the words, fish, teacup, fridge, house, dingo and football are used by bullies so we’re going to ban those words for people under 16. Suddenly all the bullies go, Oh no, time for a complete personality change.

We’ve just given them a challenge to find a new way to communicate that we have even less control over.

Remember when KRudd rolled out laptops to schools and the IT brains went to great lengths to lock them down so kids couldn’t play games on them etc etc. Resulted in kids not being able to print to the majority of standard home printers and within a week kids had worked out how to play games of them. Welcome to the old world!

johnny says: 1 December 2024 at 11:36 am

Anyone that thinks the under 16 social media ban can work simply doesn’t understand technology.

It would require all new and existing Australian based social media customers, and just Australian social media users at this stage, to be ID checked against a government ID database. Don’t even ponder how visitors to Australia would achieve that feat.

A database which can then be used by the government to identify every Australian internet user for other reasons unrelated to social media, like simply disagreeing with any political party proposals or whatever.

Many social media platforms might just ban Australian users to save time and costs, but still allow them to pretend to be from some other country which any 10 year kid knows how to do already with free VPNs.

Or are they only proposing a website button that says Yes I’m 16 and relying on honest teenagers? Which is just as easy to bypass as putting any fake birthdate you want, like kids already do on social media sites.

That’s also probable so the government can pretend to be doing something worthy without actually doing anything.

It is near impossible to stop internet users looking like they are not in Australia, every 10 year old kid already knows how to do that. The rest of the world are not as delusional as Australia and Europe in particular takes internet user privacy seriously, and they are a massive market compared to tiny Australia.

This is appears to be just a very poor and uneducated attempt to identify all Australian internet users, or more likely just a much needed political distraction.


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