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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

ACT CFMEU officials to face court after site blockade

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GOVERNMENT agency Fair Work Building & Construction says the CFMEU ACT secretary Dean Hall and seven CFMEU officials are facing Federal court action for allegedly organising a blockade at a site in Canberra for three consecutive days, after the head contractor raised concerns over a proposed enterprise agreement.

FWBC is alleging that in June of last year CFMEU officials physically blocked access to the dance school construction project in the ACT, placing vehicles in front of the gates and standing shoulder to shoulder. Sub-contractors who attempted to access the site and report to work were told to go home and that “the site is closed.”

In a meeting held with the senior project manager on day one of the blockade, Mr Hall allegedly offered a “solution” and made a number of demands, including signing the proposed agreement and employing a CFMEU approved labourer.

“This case involves more than union officials using foul language. Reports of union officials attempting to bully head contractors into signing enterprise agreements are becoming increasingly common,” said FWBC Director Nigel Hadgkiss.

The maximum penalties available to the Court in this case are $10,200 for an individual, and $51,000 for a union per breach. FWBC is alleging the CFMEU broke the law 18 times, and the CFMEU officials a total of 18 times.

A directions hearing is scheduled for 17 July in the Federal Court.

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