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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Changes to Red Hill redevelopment plans

Mick Gentleman

MICK Gentleman that after careful consultations with Greens Minister Shane Rattenbury, and ongoing community conversations multiple changes have been made to the plan to redevelop Red Hill’s Stuart Flats; including those that limit building height and density, as well as enhancing and maximising solar access, communal areas, private open space and public spaces.

“The changes would allow up to four storeys on the 6.6 hectare site, which accounts for only 1.5% of the total area of Red Hill,” Mick said.

“The inner-south has the highest proportion of jobs per resident, with 4 jobs for every worker living in the Inner South. The government is responding to this by increasing the housing in that area, to provide a shorter commute for workers and their families.

“During public consultation almost 100 submissions were received by the planning and land authority. Issues raised included traffic and building height.

“The ACT Government has listened to the community, and we have made appropriate changes to address the concerns raised. Building heights have been limited on the site to a maximum of 4 storeys, and additional traffic studies have been undertaken to identify any potential impact on local roads,” Minister Gentleman said.

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Ian Meikle, editor

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