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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Deficit halved, says ACT Budget update

THE projected deficit for 2017-18 has halved and the ACT remains on track for a balanced budget in 2018-19, according to the government’s Budget update. 

andrew barr
Andrew Barr… “Our economy is growing at four per cent, stronger than forecast in the June Budget.” Photo Andrew Campbell
Almost 7000 more people now call Canberra home than a year ago, attracted by the bright opportunities here and our world-beating quality of living.,” says Chief Minister and Treasurer Andrew Barr.

“Last year, over 10,000 new jobs were created in Canberra: the strongest year of job creation in a decade. Over 80 per cent of those new jobs were full time – giving Canberra families the stability and security they need to enter 2018 with optimism. This is a strong and very encouraging indication of increasing diversity in our economy.”

He says as a result of the Budget review:

  • There will be more surgeries this year – cutting waiting times.
  • More paramedics.
  • The rollout of laptops to all ACT public secondary students is ahead of schedule.
  • More investment in courts and community safety.      
  • The Utilities Concession has increased by $50 to help eligible households meet rising cost of living. This will bring the total payment available to $654 a year, which comes directly off electricity bills to reduce household costs.

The Budget Review 2017-18 is available from the ACT Treasury website (

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