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Walkers beware: Electric scooters hit Canberra paths

ELECTRIC scooters and similar e-mobility devices will be legal to ride in the ACT from Friday (December 20), says Road Safety Minister Shane Rattenbury. 

According to the changes, announced today by Mr Rattenbury, electric scooters and e-mobility devices, such as electric skateboards, will be allowed to go a maximum speed of 15km/h on footpaths and up to 25km/h in all other permitted locations.

Mr Rattenbury says they will not be permitted on roads or on-road bicycle lanes, except on residential streets where there is no footpath, and users must give way to pedestrians and keep to the left.

As part of the reforms, Mr Rattenbury says electric scooter must wear an approved bicycle helmet, must slow down to 10km/h when travelling across a crossing, must have a warning device such as a bell and must have lights and reflectors.

Users are not allowed to use a mobile phone or similar while riding and are not allowed to be impaired by alcohol, Mr Rattenbury says.

“These are convenient and fun new devices, but I remind people to be responsible for their and others’ safety. Speed limits are the maximum, not the recommendation,” he says.

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One Response to Walkers beware: Electric scooters hit Canberra paths

Ruth says: 18 December 2019 at 8:58 am

As if dodging pushbikes isn’t bad enough, we pedestrians now have to contend with another wheeled footpath hazard. Having forked out thousands for off-road cycleways through the city that get ignored by cyclists, how about the government spend some money creating and maintaining footpaths for FEET and sidewalks for WALKING!


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