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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Virus crisis / ACT infections rise by nine to 62

THERE have been nine new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, bringing the ACT’s total to 62, but no evidence of local transmission.

ACT Health says the new cases include six males and three females, aged between 21 and 73.

Seven of the cases are linked to overseas travel, including cruise ships, and two are close contacts of confirmed cases. There is currently no evidence of local transmission in the ACT.

Relevant flight details and confirmed case details will be uploaded to the website.

There have been 3698 negative COVID-19 tests in the ACT to date.

There are currently five COVID-19 patients in the Canberra hospital. The rest are isolating at home with ACT Health support.

A total of two cases have recovered from COVID-19 and have been released from self-isolation.


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