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Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Package gives some relief to international students

SUPPORT through a $450,000 package will bring some relief to temporary visa holders and international students who can’t access federal assistance programs.

The ACT Refugee, Asylum Seeker and Humanitarian (RASH) coordination committee, will receive $140,000 from the ACT government package to provide urgent support to asylum seekers living in Canberra, and the Australian Red Cross will see an extension to their existing emergency support program, receiving $160,000 to assist other temporary visa holders including people on temporary work visas and safe haven enterprise visas.

The Red Cross will also work with tertiary institutions to provide $150,000 to international students who have been impacted by COVID-19 and fallen onto financial hardship.

ACT government will work with tertiary education institutions to develop the application process so international students affected by COVID-19, without other support, can access emergency relief through their institution.

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