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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Predicted thunderstorms could be severe for asthmatics

THUNDERSTORMS predicted to hit the territory over the next two days (November 12-13) could trigger a rare thunderstorm asthma event, warn ACT Health.

High pollen levels and a particular type of thunderstorm can trigger the rare weather event, and those who suffer from hay fever or asthma are at risk of developing severe symptoms over a short period of time, according to the health directorate. 

The warning comes after Canberra’s grass pollen count reached “extreme” levels today (November 11), according to, and ahead of the Bureau of Meteorology’s predictions of thunderstorms for tomorrow afternoon.

The bureau says chances of storms will ease slightly on Friday but ACT Health says the warning for a thunderstorm asthma event will remain on Friday.

A health directorate spokesperson advices Canberrans suffering from hay fever or asthma to be extra vigilant nonetheless and take extra precautions.  

“Where possible avoid being outside during a thunderstorm – especially in the wind gusts that come before the storm. Go inside and close your doors and windows. If you have your air conditioning on, turn it onto recirculate,” says the spokesperson. 

“If you develop asthma symptoms, follow your asthma action plan. If you experience asthma symptoms that are not relieved by your usual asthma treatment, you should seek further urgent medical advice. In the event of a medical emergency you should call 000.

Canberrans can monitor pollen levels via the free AirRater Smartphone app.

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