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Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

E-scooter charging facility catches fire

FIREFIGHTERS continue to monitor the aftermath of a large factory fire due to the hazardous items within the structure.

Crews attended the fire on Sunday (May 30) and extinguished it that afternoon.

The building involved is the charging facility for a brand of e-scooters, and because of the hazardous nature of items within the structure and significant heat which remained for some time, firefighters remained on scene and monitored the situation in case any items reignited.

Firefighters have reported significant damage to the building and fire investigators will try and determine the cause of the fire today.

At this stage the fire is not being treated as suspicious but firefighters have not said what started the blaze.

Geelong Street has now re-opened and neighbouring businesses have resumed trading.

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