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Friday, September 20, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Gentleman uses call-in powers to approve school development

Planning Minister Mick Gentleman use call-in powers… again.

PLANNING Minister Mick Gentleman has, for the fourth time in three years, used call in powers to approve a development.

In 2018 he used his controversial call-in powers to fast-track approval for a new media centre for Manuka Oval, last year he used call in powers to approve the contentious social housing project in Dickson, and this year he used call-in powers to get the hospital extension’s development application approved, bringing to an end any community opposition to the plan.

Now, Mr Gentleman has used these controversial powers to approve a development application of a new high school in Kenny.

He said he used these powers to “ensure the development of Kenny High School stays on schedule, so students have access to these new and state-of-the-art educational facilities as soon as possible”.

“I have carefully considered the feedback that was received during the public notification period, and I have placed strict conditions on the development including compliance requirements for utility service providers and additional measures for protecting the ecological values of the adjacent reserve,” he said.

“I’ve also approved upgrades to Well Station Drive to facilitate access to the school, through the provision of two new signalised intersections, a new shared path and new bus bays.”

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Ian Meikle, editor

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