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Sunday, October 6, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Data problem delays daily covid numbers

ACT Health is blaming an IT issue for failing to provide daily COVID-19 updates over the weekend.

Covid case updates have been postponed until Monday (June 6).

ACT Health says the problem has affected pathology information entered into an ACT Health data system since Friday and prevented the usual COVID-19 case update being made on yesterday or today.

“While the data entry issue has been resolved, some of the information entered since June 4 will need to be verified before the case updates for the affected days can be released,” ACT Health says in a media statement today.

“All those with COVID-19 positive PCR test results have been notified.

“ACT Health expects to release its COVID-19 case update on Monday 6 June as usual and to publish the two delayed updates at as soon as this information is verified.”

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