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School zone plans to be revealed next week

Nichole Overall… “Unfortunately, the wider community’s views hadn’t been taken into account in this planning and, as the new member for Monaro, I wasn’t made aware either.” Photo: Holly Treadaway

FINAL plans for school zoning in the Queanbeyan area will be revealed at a community meeting early next week.

“The Department of Education was very reluctant to redraw the boundaries proposed on March 24 due to the fact they had been developed over three years,” said Nichole Overall, member for Monaro in the NSW Parliament. 

“Unfortunately, the wider community’s views hadn’t been taken into account in this planning and, as the new member for Monaro, I wasn’t made aware either. 

“In line with the views expressed by the community, I’ve continued to strongly advocate for all of Jerrabomberra, as it is today, to be zoned for both the primary school and the new high school. Also made clear to the department was the need to formulate solutions that would allow this to occur without severely disadvantaging other schools.” 

Overall said she’d also called on the department for other information, including Stage 2 of the masterplan for the new high school and a guide on how expansion would occur with increasing demand. 

“In addition, in light of the extensive process undertaken to get to this point and with school enrolments meant to close on June 17, I’ve called for an extension on this deadline,” she said. 

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