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Greens bridle at racing funding

Racing at Thoroughbred Park, Canberra. Photo: Photox – Canberra Photography Services

THE ACT Greens are refusing to support an agreement to provide more than $40 million in public funding to Canberra’s horse racing industry.

The ACT Government is currently negotiating to re-sign an MOU with the Canberra Racing Club and the Harness Racing Club that will likely provide at least $7.5m each year for five years to the industry.

Greens spokeswoman for animal welfare Jo Clay says the party does not support the move, arguing there are better ways the money could be spent.

Greens MLA Jo Clay.

“We are dealing with climate change, COVID and homelessness, and I don’t think it’s the right use of $40 million of public money,” Ms Clay says.

“With median house prices at $1m, imagine how many public housing homes we could buy, or we could invest it into the Sustainable Household Scheme to help more people put solar panels on their rooftops.”

Ms Clay cited the funding allocated to some of the ACT’s sporting teams to put the funding going to the horse racing industry into context.

“This year the ACT Government will provide $2.6m in yearly funding to the Canberra Raiders, $1.78M in yearly funding to the Brumbies and $1.6m over four years to the Canberra Capitals and Canberra United.

“I think the community would agree that $7.5m per year to the horse racing industry without any public grant or procurement process is not a good use of public taxpayer funds.”

Ms Clay, who’s not calling for a ban on horse racing, said the Greens wanted the ACT government to commit to a phasing out the funding arrangement and commit to a plan to support workers in the industry.

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4 Responses to Greens bridle at racing funding

Jane says: 27 June 2022 at 10:25 am

Imagine what you could do with all the money you’re spending on the (slow) tram to Woden, Ms Clay. Housing is just one of the many things that are needed more than that.

Bruce says: 27 June 2022 at 3:00 pm

ACT Govt should get an economic impact done of $40million investment in racing, arts, housing, football by the same economist and same model to see where the money is best invested. Sick of heritage interests determining where our tax dollars go. Can’t believe we’re subsidising trots or gallops.

Robyn says: 27 June 2022 at 4:19 pm

This doesn’t tell the full story. Betting tax is 15%. Part of the revenue which is raised from TAB and the bookies etc is then given back to the racing club to support the industry. The money is used by the race club for things like race winnings to attract people to participate in the Canberra races. Canberra receives a small amount compared to other states. Removing the funding will impact people who’s livelihood relies on the industry, if they are unable to keep running without the funding. They generated the revenue for the TAB and government so why shouldn’t they receive some back?


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