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Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Funding boost for respite home

A “home-like” palliative care respite facility in Canberra will receive $2.59 million in funding in the upcoming ACT budget.

Leo’s Place, a palliative care respite facility in  Canberra.

Leo’s Place, run by Palliative Care ACT, is Canberra’s only non-clinical respite facility for carers and patients, providing day and overnight respite for people with a life-limiting illness.

ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith says the funding has come after the facility finished a successful 18-month trial.

“Leo’s Place has been a lifeline for families in the ACT, and the extension of funding means that the community will continue to have access to much needed palliative care respite and carer support,” Stephen-Smith says.

“With research telling us that most people in the ACT want to die at home, and recognising the incredible support carers provide to loved ones with life-limiting illness, Leo’s Place meets an important need.”

Other organisations being funded as part of the 2022-23 ACT budget include $9.4 million allocated over four years for Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health and Community Services, to continue its health service delivery to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander detainees.

Hands Across Canberra will receive a $750,000 grant to purchase land from the Suburban Land Agency to build two charity homes.

While homelessness services will receive funding to increase their service capacity, with $2.21 million to be given over two years.



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