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Pool owners told to comply with new fencing rules

Photo: Canberra Glass Fencing

ALL barriers on home swimming pools will soon be required to be compliant with modern safety standards.

The ACT government’s new swimming pool safety improvement strategy reforms will:

  • require all home swimming pool barriers to comply with modern safety standards (such as barrier location, strength, height, gate accessibility, and more);
  • require ongoing maintenance of home swimming pools and barriers with an associated penalty for non-compliance;
  • require disclosure of a pool’s compliance status when the property is sold or leased; and
  • establish a compliance framework to support enforcement of the above.

“While supervision is still the best way to monitor a child’s safety in the water, pool barriers are a vital safety measure to help restrict children’s unwanted access to backyard pools and spas,” said building and construction minister Rebecca Vassarotti.

“While national pool barrier standards for new home swimming pools have strengthened over time, we know that some pools in the ACT, particularly pools installed prior to 2010, do not meet current pool safety standards, which can result in serious injuries or backyard tragedies.

“At the moment, pools in the ACT only need to comply with safety standards from when the pool was constructed or significantly altered. Bringing all pools and spas up to modern safety standards will greatly reduce the risk of people drowning or suffering serious injury.”

The minister said the reforms would apply to all home swimming pools and spa pools capable of containing water to a depth greater than 30 centimetres.

“While we anticipate the reforms will commence in late 2023, we want to make the process easy for community and industry, so will be offering a transition period to ease the pressure on property owners to comply with the prescribed safety standards,” she said.

“We are asking the community to help finalise the reforms, including how long the transition period should be, through a short questionnaire on the YourSay website. Supporting information is provided in a consultation paper and factsheets.”


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3 Responses to Pool owners told to comply with new fencing rules

Terry says: 5 February 2023 at 9:29 am

Enough is enough. When are people going to take responsibility for their own actions. Because of stupid people who don’t look after their children – everybody else cops the consequences. More children drown in rivers. Lakes, dams, beaches- so why isn’t the Govt fencing off all these areas. If you have young children & a pool then you would fence it off for safety however if you don’t have children and a pool why should you have to fence the pool.
Enough rules and regulations brought on by stupid people.

Cam White says: 26 May 2023 at 12:57 am

I have 8m high colorbond fencing with the only access to my backyard is through my front door.! ,hmm,,,a back door with 3x lockable door keys, and a security screen door with another key lock.
I dare anyone in A.C.T government, to try to
access my spa ! ( with click lock cover,)
Apparently this is not safe.
•Knock on my front door and ask to relax in my spa ?
•Perhaps, jump the 8m fence and wave, so my security camera can photograph you?( as it will tell me you are there )
• Tram, Calvary Hospital, now my home.
Visit me!!

T. Jacyshyn says: 26 May 2023 at 8:17 am

Subject: Re: Swimming pool safety reforms
Below is what I sent the ACT Govt in response to new pool laws- the statistics I sent were from life saving Australia- the stats don’t support these new laws.

I have attached the drowning statistics which show that nearly all drownings happen at beaches/ rivers. If this is the case then why is the Govt not fencing off dams/rivers/beaches/ponds- yet we have to find money to fence off our pool – even though we have no young children nor grand children. Our yard is fully fenced and secure for security.
I would also add that if we did have small children at risk of drowning then being a responsible parent we would install a pool fence.
Why do we have to pay the consequences for the few irresponsible people- as always.
I believe that having a pool fence would be mandatory if you meet certain criteria-eg.
Do you have small children living at home.
Is your yard fenced 1.8m high and secure that no one can walk in.
Are your doors and windows to backyard self closing and comply with AS1926.1

As always the majority of responsible people have to pay consequences because of a few stupid / irresponsible people.


T. Jacyshyn


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