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Help for songbirds in data’s ‘hidden secrets’

The endangered forty-spotted pardalote. Photo: Dr Fernanda Alves

“HIDDEN secrets” in genetic data could be the key to helping the endangered forty-spotted pardalote, according to a new study. 

Lead author Dr Fernanda Alves, of the ANU, said a genetic assessment revealed “hidden secrets” that showed how the tiny bird could be best protected.

The endangered bird was now found in just a few small pockets in the south-east corner of Tasmania.

“We found genetic diversity is fairly distributed across the remaining population, which is a good sign,” Dr Alves said.

“So rather than rushing to move birds around to try and reintroduce them in certain areas without first looking at why they disappeared in the first place, we should be focusing on habitat restoration and management of known threats for now.”

She said the study team collected blood samples from adult birds in the wild and nestlings, and sent them to the lab for sequencing.

The results also offered clues about the number of forty-spotted pardalotes contributing to the breeding population, as well as their migration habits.

“We found a small number of birds, 24 per cent, had migrated from Bruny Island to Tinderbox on the Tasmanian mainland,” Dr Alves said

There was evidence of migration from Bruny Island in one other mainland location as well, meaning the Bruny Island pardalotes could be crucial to boosting numbers on the mainland in the future.

“But first we need to understand the threats the forty-spotted pardalotes are facing on the mainland,” Dr Alves said.

“Maria Island is the most isolated population and had the lowest genetic diversity, so it is another priority area.

“We need to be careful from here – it’s about assessing what we have left and seeing what can be done.”

The study was conducted with support from NRM South through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

The results are published in “Heredity”.

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One Response to Help for songbirds in data’s ‘hidden secrets’

cbrapsycho says: 5 April 2023 at 10:56 am

Tiny little birds that looked just like this were flitting around in my trees and hanging potplants during Spring year for the first time ever. I’d never seen them before, so had to look them up to find out what they were.


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