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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Government presses on with Woden tram approvals

ACT government impression of a light rail stop at Kings Avenue on State Circle.

The ACT government is seeking federal approval to examine alternative stops in the National Triangle and Barton in its quest to take light rail to Woden.

The alignment identified in the National Capital Plan for Light Rail Stage 2B through the Parliamentary Triangle is via Commonwealth Avenue and State Circle.

A submission has progressed to the Australian Government, which is required under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservations (EPBC) Act.

The ACT government says the new EPBC referral expands the scope of the previous referral to examine alternative stops in the National Triangle and Barton, ensuring the project remains flexible as planning work progresses.

At the same time, preliminary work is progressing on the detailed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which is expected to be required following the updated EPBC Referral.

Now that we’ve signed the construction contract for light rail to Commonwealth Park, we’re pressing forward with the planning, design and consultation for the next stage of the Light Rail to Woden – as promised,” says Transport Minister Chris Steel.

“We are engaging Canberrans early so they can help shape how the project is designed to ensure that we maximise the benefits for communities along the line.

“By taking multiple options through the Environmental Impact Statement development process, we can compare the current preferred stops and alignment for Stage 2B on Commonwealth Avenue and State Circle with alternatives.”

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