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Suspended teen booked on both sides of the border


The silver the Ford wagon that lost control and struck a gutter at the intersection of Jim Pyke Avenue and Point Hut Road in Gordon on Saturday night. Photo: ACT police

A 17-year-old NSW suspended provisional licence holder is facing multiple charges in the ACT and NSW after a series of cross-border driving incidents on Saturday night. 

Shortly after 10.30pm, NSW Police saw a silver Ford wagon, that had words spray painted on it and was in poor repair, driving dangerously through Queanbeyan. The vehicle failed to stop for NSW Police before entering the ACT where it was driven, police allege, at excessive speed through multiple suburbs.

At about 10. 50pm the Ford wagon lost control and struck a gutter at the intersection of Jim Pyke Avenue and Point Hut Road in Gordon before two occupants fled the vehicle and were apprehended by police.

Police will allege that the 17-year-old driver, whose NSW provisional driver licence was already suspended, drove the vehicle in a dangerous manner. Other charges will relate to driving an unregistered and unsafely maintained vehicle and driving while suspended.

The 17-year-old will face ACT and NSW courts at later date.

In separate incident on Saturday night at about 7pm a vehicle was clocked travelling at 133km/h in the posted 80km/h speed zone along Belconnen Way in Bruce. Among other offences, the driver’s licence was suspended for a period of 90 days.

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Ian Meikle, editor

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One Response to Suspended teen booked on both sides of the border

cbrapsycho says: 15 July 2024 at 1:00 pm

There are way too many young people driving dangerously on our roads, putting others lives at risk. When a teenager behaves like this, they clearly demonstrate the lack of maturity necessary to hold a licence, so should lose it for long enough to allow their brain to mature a bit more. A driving licence is a privilege, not a right.


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