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Miriam glides into fashion

FASHION and figure skating are set to combine on Canberra’s first open-air ice rink.

“Fashion on Ice” is a program highlight of Canberra’s new winter festival, Skate In the City.

A joint venture of Canberra Centre and Canberra CBD Ltd, the shows will feature ice skaters modelling the current season’s fashions.

“CityNews” cover girl and figure skating coach Miriam Manzano has been skating since the age of 12 and will model in “Fashions on Ice”.

“I’m really excited about the event and so are my students,” Miriam says. “It’s a great opportunity to do something different.”

Miriam, a six-time Australian figure skating champion, says she has never participated in an event like Skate in the City.

“I will be performing in the skate demonstrations as well as ‘Fashions on Ice’ so it should be lots of fun.”

The latest initiative of Canberra CBD Ltd, Skate In the City will run during July and is aimed at reinvigorating a flagging Garema Place.
Canberra CBD Ltd CEO Stephen Gregory describes the event as an investment in the city.

“It’s all about getting people to come and explore the city,” Stephen says.

“There is definitely a buzz about the event. I haven’t heard one negative comment about it and I think most people are excited because there is something for everyone.”

The program is aimed at attracting a breadth of people with everything from Urban Ice Dance Parties until midnight to Cat ‘n’ The Hat school holiday shows.

“Fashions on Ice” shows, every Friday night in July and include a 20-minute fashion show with one hour skate session. Tickets are $15 adults, $12 concession. “Fashions on Ice” skate shows only (with no public skate session) are free to attend and will take place at noon Monday, July 11 to Friday, July 15.

Information and tickets at

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