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Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Gerard Vaughan to take over at the National Gallery

national gallery

The hot buzz in the arts world this morning is that Melbourne’s Gerard Vaughan is, at any moment, going to be announced as the new Director of the National Gallery of Australia.

“CityNews” arts editor, Helen Musa said the appointment was a surprisingly conservative one, given predictions that the next directorship would move away from a traditional model.

“Dr Vaughan has enjoyed a formidable career at the British Museum, Oxford University and the National Gallery of Victoria as an administrator and canny fundraiser,” she said, “but the wide expectation was that the NGA would follow recent trends elsewhere towards appointing younger, dynamic directors capable of looking well into the 21st century,” Helen said.

“Dr Vaughan comes to Canberra at the end of his career, when consolidation rather than trailblazing is what we may expect.”

UPDATE: It’s now official for Attorney-General George Brandis:

I welcome Professor Vaughan’s vision and enthusiasm for the Gallery, which includes further strengthening the Gallery’s role as a leader in scholarship and research, forging stronger diplomatic ties in the South East Asia and Pacific region, and increasing access to the nation’s major art collection. Professor Vaughan has been appointed for a period of three years and will take up his new role on 10 November.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank former director Dr Ron Radford AM who retired on 30 September. Dr Radford has been a great and illustrious contributor to the artistic life of this nation, and on behalf of the government and the people of Australia I would like to acknowledge and thank him.

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