"The grand-daddy waste of money of them all is the perseverance with light rail, despite the availability of much cheaper public transport options that can be delivered far quicker," says letter writer COLIN LYONS, of Weetangera.
"Last week’s troubled My Way+ rollout may be a blessing in disguise prompting us to revisit the case for free public transport and its benefits for vulnerable Canberrans including people with disability," writes CRAIG WALLACE.
Opposition Leader Leanne Castley is calling for an Assembly inquiry into the $70 million procurement of the problematic ticketing system MyWay+ that was launched to widespread failure this week.
Cyclist Jay Vine is the men's sport ACT Athlete of the Year, basketballer Jade Melbourne is the women's Athlete of the Year and athlete James Turner has won the title for para sport at the 2024 CBR Sport Awards on Wednesday night.
Being a progressive in Canberra may seem ever so cool, that is unless you're indigenous, say JON STANHOPE & KHALID AHMED in a withering look at the people progressive Canberra is leaving behind.