"Chalmers’ long term ambition is similar to that of most treasurers. He wants to be PM. More immediately, he aspires to be a reformer, which has become harder in today’s electorate, with its low tolerance for pain," writes MICHELLE GRATTAN.
The passage of the proposed referendum on a Voice to Parliament could be a necessary, albeit not a sufficient, condition for Australia to become a republic in the next few years, writes MICHELLE GRATTAN.
Anthony Albanese has said it would be appropriate for King Charles to continue his advocacy on the challenge of climate change, reports MICHELLE GRATTAN.
The jobs and skills summit, which concluded on Friday, has been a highly-managed exercise by the Albanese government in maximising policy and political productivity, writes MICHELLE GRATTAN.
"If Albanese wanted to repeal or change the tax cuts, he would have the Senate numbers to do so, with the Greens and Pocock. But trashing an election pledge would have major implications for his credibility," writes MICHELLE GRATTAN.
For Treasurer Jim Chalmers, this week’s jobs and skills summit is the prelude to what will be his main game, the October budget, writes MICHELLE GRATTAN.
Albanese flagged he was open to an inquiry into the ramifications of Scott Morrison’s power grab, as Barnaby Joyce revealed he feared retribution if he crossed Morrison for overruling a Nationals minister, writes MICHELLE GRATTAN.
It's not breaking news that Scott Morrison has trouble with women, but his treatment this week of Karen Andrews, his former home affairs minister, was particularly gratuitous, writes MICHELLE GRATTAN.
Scott Morrison's news conference did nothing to counter the damage from what’s been revealed about his putting himself into five ministries, without announcement and in most cases without the occupants knowing, writes MICHELLE GRATTAN.