"Visitors can wander between columns of denim patchwork quilts, beautifully decorated with mangrove plants and creatures." ROB KENNEDY reviews Mangroves – Tales from the Tide, at Questacon.
"It is a strong exhibition that captures its subject – alleged war crimes by Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan – with honesty and strength. ROB KENNEDY reviews The Reckoning by Braidwood artist Kate Stevens.
"A huge crowd packed the Street Theatre for a rock concert on Friday night and everyone sat down. Yes, sat down! But they clapped, stamped feet, sang along and had a great time." IAN McLEAN reviews John Waters' new show Radio Luxembourg.
"Entering Martyn Thompson’s exhibition, History, the paraphernalia of my interior life, at Canberra Glassworks feels like stepping into an impeccably styled home," writes reviewer SOPHIA HALLOWAY.
"This Diana story contained the lot, from birth to a sidestepping of Diana’s death that managed to implicate the Queen." ALANNA MACLEAN reviews Diana The Untold and Untrue Story.