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Tuesday, March 18, 2025 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Myf leaves on a high

Myf Warhust... Canteen lady?

THE final episode of the ABC’s TV hit “Spicks and Specks” hasn’t even aired and Myf Warhust already has some regret about leaving the show.

“I don’t know what I’ll do – I’ll probably be working at the ABC as the canteen lady,” she says.

“It’s nice to end on a high – most people don’t get that luxury – usually when a show ends its because it’s been axed.

“It’s been seven years, like an extra-long uni degree. And we’ve been all very aware of not dragging it out.”

After seven years, the top-rating program will air its final episode on Wednesday, November 23. To mark the end of the program, the team, Adam Hills, Alan Brough and, of course, Myf will hit the road as part of their stage show – “The Spicks and Spec-tacular”. It will reach Canberra on December 10 and 11.

Although Myf says she’s happy to have kept a job in television for seven years, the trio has been contemplating finishing the show “every year, for the past four years.”

In its history, there has been 277 episodes of “Spicks and Specks”. Myf says her favourite highlights of being part of the show, include nudity – getting naked with Pete Murray under the desk and seeing Frank Woodley’s “bits”.

But even to this day, she has never been able to live down the second episode where she forgot the name of the Nirvana hit “Smells Like Teen Spirit”.

Currently, Myf is working on a six-part arts and entertainment documentary series for the ABC.

And she is looking forward to returning to Canberra.

“‘Spicks and Speck-tacular’ is everything you love about the show,” she says. “And some amazing song-and-dance routines!”

“Spicks and Spec-tacular”, National Convention Centre, 7pm, Saturday, December 10 and 6pm, Sunday, December 11. Tickets visit

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