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Battle for talkback crown

Mike Welsh and Mark Parton... head to head.

TALKBACK radio veteran and 2CC drive presenter Mike Welsh will go head-to-head with colleague and breakfast presenter Mark Parton at this year’s Australian Commercial Radio Awards for the best provincial talk presenter.

“Welshy” has won the award six times and four times consecutively since 2007. This year he has been also nominated for best non-metro current affairs presenter.

His producer, Monica Masters, has been nominated for the second year in a row for best show producer – talk current affairs – provincial, an award she won last year.

She is up against Matt Mitchell, Parton’s former producer. Pete Curulli, from Mix 106.3’s “Breakfast with Pete and Biggzy”, has received a nomination for best provincial newcomer on-air and, also from Mix 106.3, Gerald (Kiwi G) Morunga was nominated for best provincial sports presenter.

104.7FM news presenter Kate Taylor was nominated for best news presenter for country and provincial.

Promotions manager for both 104.7 and Mix 106.3, Zak Davies received a nomination for best promotions director non-metro. 104.7 also received nominations in sales.

The national awards will be decided at a dinner on the Gold Coast on October 15.

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Ian Meikle, editor

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3 Responses to Battle for talkback crown

Martin Ross says: 10 August 2011 at 5:47 pm

About the ACRA awards, I think Mark Parton is deserving of it this year, as his show has had a bit more spark in it thanks to Jorian Gardner. No disregard to Welshy, but Canberra Radio has not had this kind of “live shock” since Stan Zemanek passed away, and Mark and Jorian’s “open-minded” and “stick it to ’em” approach combo provides for interesting listening.

Ellen says: 11 August 2011 at 11:52 am

I think Welshy’s show is more consistent and has a wider range of issues going on that keeps people interested. For example he’s done an interview with Brynne Edelsten from dancing with the stars for some light entertainment but is still banging on about the important local issues such as Bimberi and the AMC. I don’t think he’s a ‘shock jock’ so to speak (certainly not like Hadley and Smith), but he does take a stance on issues while Parton tends to sit on the sidelines. (Not to bag Parto, you need someone like him for an AM program).
It will be a close competition!

Sarah says: 11 August 2011 at 9:43 pm

dunno what Gardner’s got to do with this seeing as though his former producer was the one nominated. go welshy!


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