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NCA drives cars off the dirt mounds

CARS, cars and more cars have been parked along the dirt mounds and verges on State Circle and Brisbane Avenue, and were getting away with it, until now.

The National Capital Authority has put the foot down on illegal parking in the area and has started upgrade works to formalise the Windsor Walk car park and stop people from parking their cars on dirt mounds and verges.

According to the NCA website: “The works will make the parking area more efficient and will provide 86 formal spaces, increasing the quantity of formalised parking to the area.”

However, the number of formal parking spaces is unlikely to match the current number of cars jockeying to park there.The new spaces will be untimed and without charge.


The upgrades will be made in a number of stages to “minimise the impact on users” and will include: physical barriers along Brisbane Avenue to stop dangerous parking on dirt mounds, “No Parking” signs along State Circle, regular parking inspector patrols, and the regrading and resurfacing on York Park car park, once Windsor Walk is complete.

Warnings for people who are parked illegally will be issued for three consecutive days before being slapped with an infringement notice.

Each car park will be closed while work is being completed.

“The NCA apologises for any inconvenience arising from this short term reduction in car park numbers,” NCA website states.

The NCA has listed paid parking opposite the Edmund Barton Building, adjacent to the Ottoman Restaurant as an alternative car park option for people in the area. To park in that car park costs $8 a day.

The works will be completed by June 30.

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One Response to NCA drives cars off the dirt mounds

Amanda Medcalf says: 26 April 2012 at 2:05 pm

Canberra is becoming a joke with regard paid parking (e.g. revenue rising). Drivers are charged a fee to work in Canberra, to shop in Canberra to see the sites in Canberra and in some cases just to visit Canberra. Its easy to understand how Canberra is now one of the most expensive places to live in Australia. Next they will be charging us to park our cars in our own garage.


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