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Bikies promise to swarm Canberra in their thousands on December 1 to protest anti-bikie laws


THE “Freedom Riders Australia”, complete with Ned Kelly logo, are promising a “Last Stand” protest at Parliament House in the hope the Commonwealth will over ride state laws banning their associations.

Numerous ride details are available on their website including that O’Connor’s Alivio Tourist Park is going to be ground zero for the gathering, a shock no doubt to the genteel sensibilities of the Inner North.

Dirt bikes………Road bikes………Cruisers……Clubs……..Groups………Individuals…….people who like bikes…………have seen a bike, …………..Hot Roders……….Tattooists…………Mothers…………..Fathers………… Hell even NANA’s Bridge club can be targeted ………Although I do know some shady Nana’s ……..ALL WELCOME ………… It is time for us to make a stand against these ridiculous new Laws and the DESTRUCTION of our FREEDOM to choose ……… A FREEDOM THAT OUR FOREFATHERS FOUGHT FOR. ………….. LEST WE FORGET.

The after party is scheduled for the Old Canberra Inn which, if they get the numbers they are promosing, will be one for the ages.

I’m reminded of the long ago advice from the Politicial Science lecturer that in politics losers wave banners on the lawns of parliament, winners are inside having a meeting with the Minister.

It seems unlikely they’ll achieve much but the local economy will no doubt benefit from sales of bourbon & coke and petrol.

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