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Saturday, July 27, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Rita’s light-hearted look at menopause.

CANBERRA author and artist Rita Wagner’s new book “Menopause Makes Mummy Mental” will be launched at the Lifeline Autumn Bookfair at Exhibition Park , 10am, on Saturday.

Author Rita Wagner.
Author Rita Wagner.
Ten years in the writing and illustrating, Rita says it is with mixed emotions that her journey in writing it has reached this final point.

“After so many years and many edits I am both excited and relieved to be in a position to launch the book,” she says.

“I couldn’t think of a better place to launch this book, Lifeline holds a special place in my heart and to launch at the Autumn Bookfair is really fitting.”

In 1990 a serious car accident left Rita Wagner fighting for life. Confronted with the likelihood of never being able to walk properly, if at all again, and never being able to work a full time job, she made the decision to tackle her long journey of recovery head-on. As she coped with mental, physical and psychological challenges Rita began painting and writing.

At the same time yet another fight was on Rita’s hands, dealing with the emotional ups and downs of menopause. She rose to this next challenge by starting work on creating a light hearted look at menopause.

Now an accomplished artist and author of two children’s books, she hopes to bring a smile to the faces of book lovers around the world with her humorous account of personal experiences associated with her biological change, coupled with a collection of interviews spanning years of research .

“Menopause Makes Mummy Mental”, written and illustrated by Rita Wagner. Published by Chifley Press.



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