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Canberra Today 4°/5° | Monday, June 3, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Shane moves on drug testing at the prison

Alexander Maconochie Centre, jail, prison

SHANE Rattenbury says that tomorrow he will present a bill to allow for the identification and recording of donors of random drug tests within the AMC, in order to inform decision making in relation to the management of detainees.

“ACT Corrective Services (ACTCS) has a duty of care for all detainees within the AMC. The use of information that is collected during random drug testing will greatly enhance the opportunity for rehabilitation of detainees who may be suffering from a drug addiction, and will also assist in intelligence gathering and prevention of contraband in the AMC,” Shane said.

“ACT Corrective Services already conducts regular drug tests on randomly selected detainees, however, the current legislation only allows for data to be kept anonymously for statistical purposes.

“Amendments to the legislation will mean that a positive test sample can be considered by ACTCS in relation to the management of the detainee including referral for appropriate treatment and programs or discipline.

“Use of this data will enhance our existing, targeted approach to testing and intelligence operations that aim to reduce substance use within the AMC.

“The misuse of drugs in prison can have a number of adverse affects on the prison system and these new provisions will ensure Corrective Services has the ability to respond to the health and safety needs of detainees as well as maintain good order at correctional facilities.

“The Bill also amends the Corrections Management Act 2007 and the Children and Young People Act 2008 to clarify that an interstate leave permit for a detainee or a young detainee can be renewed for seven day periods.

“These amendments ensure appropriate mechanisms are in place to allow a detainee to stay interstate for a genuine purpose for a period longer than seven days,” said Mr Rattenbury.

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