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Arts / Exhibition honours late colleague at UC

“BEAUTIES and Beasts” is the name of a new exhibition by staff in the Faculty of Arts and Design at the University of Canberra who explore what is “beautiful and beastly” about our relationship with the natural world.

‘Yeti on Run’ by Katie Hayne and UK Frederick
Featuring the work of 18 staff, “Beauties and Beast” is a showcase of work by faculty members, which pays tribute to a colleague, Sandra Burr, who died in 2014.

“Sandra was a dedicated horsewoman and a passionate advocate for animals,” says associate Prof in Creative and Cultural Practice and curator of the exhibition, Jordan Williams.

“Sandra produced exciting research related to the relationship between the human and non-human worlds, some of which is presented in this exhibition.”

The exhibition celebrates the breadth of work and research being undertaken by the faculty and includes paintings, artist books, video and sound art, and sculptural and interactive media, including a video on artist Mark “Scrapdaddy” Bradford who upcycles scrap metal to create “car-creatures”.

 “Beauties and Beasts”. UC Faculty of Arts and Design staff exhibition, at the Belconnen Arts Centre until May 28. A poetry reading by Jen Webb and Paul Munden will be held from 2pm-4pm this Sunday, May 21, in conjunction with the exhibition. All welcome.


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