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‘No evidence’ to justify kangaroo cull



AN independent CSIRO evaluation has revealed that the ACT government’s research could not demonstrate kangaroos have any deleterious impact on biodiversity or the environment, according to the Animal Justice Party. 

The Animal Justice Party say the CSIRO report, produced for the ACT government by CSIRO Plant Industry, confirms what ecologists, wildlife experts and animal protection activists have always understood: that there is no evidence that kangaroos in the ACT are at densities high enough to damage the environment, and that the ACT government’s claim that more than one kangaroo per hectare is “too many” has no basis in science.

The Animal Justice Party’s Robyn Soxsmith says it’s astonishing that the ACT government continues with its annual massacre in the face of CSIRO’s 2014 evaluation.

“The Animal Justice Party of the ACT recently asked the Auditor General to review the ACT’s kangaroo management program in relation to whether it was achieving any results that might justify its social, economic and animal welfare costs, but was told such a review was not currently on the Auditor’s program,” she says.

“Meanwhile the government has essentially dismissed fertility control as an alternative to the killing – killing which now appears to have never been remotely useful in the first place.

“The government continues to behave as though it can justify killing kangaroos. How much longer will appointed watchdogs continue to let it?”

The CSIRO evaluation can be found here

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One Response to ‘No evidence’ to justify kangaroo cull

Jennifer Macdougall says: 16 June 2023 at 5:44 pm

So the government asked 600 people out of 440,000 whether they supported the killing of thousands of kangaroos in ACT Reserves every year to reduce numbers, claiming the majority said yes. Well did the Govt ask how many of those 600 people had ever walked on an ACT Reserve, had ever seen a kangaroo on any of them, and more importantly whether they agreed that in carrying out that cull, the joeys in the pouches of shot females are pulled out and bludgeoned to death. This rather inconvenient fact is never published but every year 30% of the females shot have joeys killed in this way, and are additional to the announced adult roos to be shot in a given year.. As we all know If you are going to do a survey people should be first told all, and I mean all the facts. In any case the science behind the cull is debunked by the CSIRO and the numbers the Govt relies on to justify its target each year are grossly overestimated leaving many Reserves with a population far less than what the Govt itself says is desirable. Those who do walk the Reserves regularly tell us they are upset that they can no longer see kangaroos on their daily walk, or if they do, so few. Something is seriously wrong here and it is disingenuous of the Govt to rely on any poll when the public are not given all the facts so that they can make an an informed decision. As for the little earless dragon lizard the cull is supposed to protect by removing the kangaroos where it lives, well after 10 years of culling there, that lizard we are told now is nearly extinct. It is not the kangaroos that threaten small native species, it is fire, drought, weed invasion on Reserves and urban destruction of environment. So let us have all the facts, not those that are just convenient.


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