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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Confused Canberrans break virus restrictions

ACT chief police officer Ray Johnson.

MISUNDERSTANDINGS around COVID-19 restrictions saw a number of Canberrans breaking them over the weekend, according to ACT police. 

“Over the weekend, the vast majority of COVID-19 incidents we attended were genuine misunderstandings of what is and is not permitted,” says chief police officer Ray Johnson.

“On Saturday, members attended a sporting group in north Canberra conducting training with more than 10 people. The group packed up when we advised them they were not able to conduct their training session under current directions.

“We also went out to shopping malls and Green Square. Local stores had put appropriate physical distancing arrangements in place; however, higher traffic bottlenecks outside meant people were coming within 1.5m of each other and almost rubbing shoulders at times.

“A caution has also been issued to a north Canberra business that allowed people to sit outside in the dining area. Customers inside were also not social distancing while in the takeaway line.

“My message to Canberra as restrictions change is please make yourself aware of what the rules are, and only venture out if you have to.

“There will be a lot more information coming, and for many activities there is still going to be limitations before Canberra is fully up and running.”

And even though there were a lot of incidents of people breaking restrictions, Mr Johnson says they will continue to take an “inform and educate” approach over the coming weeks.

Since March, ACT police have recorded more than 1000 COVID-19 incidents, and since May 4, they have responded to 122 compliance-related jobs.

“Since March, we have [also] issued seven official cautions, including one to a south Canberra residential gathering on the ANZAC long weekend,” Mr Johnson says.

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