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Monday, September 23, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Bad news and good on the local covid front

AS Tamworth is locked down, the ACT government has tonight (August 9) declared the local government area covid-affected and anyone who left there on or after Thursday, August 5, will have to quarantine for 14 days and call ACT Health on 5124 6500 (between 8am and 6pm).

Likewise for Byron Bay Shire, Ballina Shire, City of Lismore and Richmond Valley Council LGAs, who are subject to a brief lockdown. The ACT has declared these areas as covid affected and the Health Directorate says that anyone who left these areas on or after July 31 will be required to quarantine for 14 days and call ACT Health. More information here.

ACT residents will automatically receive an exemption to enter the territory following confirmation of residency and suitability of a quarantine premises. Non-residents will be unable to enter the ACT without an approved exemption. Exemptions will only be approved in highly exceptional circumstances. 

And in Victoria, due to the improved situation in regional area of the state, the stay-at-home requirement will be lifted at 11.59pm tonight (August 9). ACT Health will contact people who have been subject to the stay-at-home requirement for regional Victoria to advise them of the update.

There are no restrictions in place for travel from regional Victoria, but at this stage the stay-at-home requirement for Greater Melbourne will remain in place until at least 11.59pm, August 12.


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