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Monday, September 23, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Been in the ACT? NSW residents ordered to stay home

ANYONE in NSW who has been in the ACT since Thursday, August 5, must stay at home and only leave their residence if they have a reasonable excuse, according to the NSW government. 

The government made the order in response to Canberra entering into a seven-day lockdown yesterday (August 12) following the confirmation of four active COVID-19 cases.

In a statement, the NSW government defined reasonable excuses to leave their home to include shopping, medical care, caregiving, outdoor exercise with a member of someone’s household or one other person, and work or education, if they cannot do it from home.

NSW Health also urges people who have been in the ACT since August 5 to regularly check the ACT Health website for information on ACT venues of concern linked to the latest cases.

If a person has attended any of the venues at the times listed, they’re urged to contact NSW Health immediately on 1800 943 553.

People entering NSW who have been in the ACT in the last 14 days must also complete a declaration form.

And everyone in NSW, including those in NSW areas along the ACT border, must continue to comply with all relevant public health orders that are in place in NSW, says NSW Health.

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