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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Canberra hits a nation-leading vaccination level

IT’S official: the ACT is the first Australian jurisdiction to reach 80 per cent of its 12+ population to be fully vaccinated.

The government says the territory is well on its way to having close to 99 per cent of the eligible population fully vaccinated by the end of November.

The high vaccination rates rates and stable average case numbers over the last couple of weeks have allowed the government to ease restrictions from the 29 October, including hospitality capacity limits and major events. Food courts will also be able to reopen under a 1 per 4 sqm model.

The government says its priority over the next few weeks will be to continue providing second-dose vaccinations to thousands of younger Canberrans. A number of younger age cohorts are yet to reach the 80 per cent milestone.


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