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Monday, September 30, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Canberra’s covid cases rise to nine

ACT Health has confirmed two new covid cases in the past 24 hours bringing the active COVID-19 case numbers in Canberra to nine.
One of the cases, a man in his 20s, has no known links to any cases and an investigation is underway to determine how this man became infected.
However, ACT chief health officer Dr Kerryn Coleman said it’s early in the investigations.
The other case, a man in his 20s, is believed to be linked to the Fiction nightclub site. The club has been labelled as a close contact exposure site between 1am-4am on August 8.
Dr Coleman said there is now 5700 close contacts in isolation and more than 40 exposure sites across the territory.
When briefing media on the fourth day of the ACT’s seven-day lockdown that began at 5pm on Thursday (August 12), ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr labelled the cases concerning and urges anyone that had been at Fiction nightclub during the exposure time to get tested.
On the good news front, he said 5943 tests were conducted yesterday.
“This is an all-time record level of testing in a single day,” he said.
However, testing demand continues today with the Weston Creek testing clinic experiencing high demand. ACT Health is advising people to consider one of the other testing locations such as the drive through testing clinics at Brindabella Business Park and Exhibition Park which are experiencing shorter wait times.
Mr Barr’s latest announcement follows a press conference from the Prime Minister who said that the federal government has secured an extra 1 million Pfizer vaccinations
Of these, Mr Barr believes that 14,000 Pfizer doses will be made available for the ACT.

‘Good news day’ as ACT covid cases rise to seven

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