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Sunday, September 22, 2024 | Digital Edition | Crossword & Sudoku

Lockdown / Panic buyers clear the shelves

Shoppers lined up at Woden Plaza Woolworths.

SUPERMARKETS shelves across Canberra are being cleaned out by people panic buying following the confirmation of a positive COVID-19 case in the ACT this morning (August 12).

Canberrans have taken to social media to express frustration over panic buying.

“Everyone is rushing to Cooleman Court to panic buy,” said one user in the Canberra Community Notice Board on Facebook.

“Queanbeyan Woolworths cars everywhere. Side road, gutters,” said another.

Toilet paper has again been rushed for with one shopper taking photos of empty shelves at Woden Plaza Woolworths.

Twitter users have posted that shopping centres in Civic, Dickson, Ainslie and O’Connor are also seeing long wait times.

Meanwhile, “CityNews” food reviewer Wendy Johnson reports of empty shelves at Aldi Queanbeyan.

“Empty shelves everywhere. No milk. No toilet paper. The lineups are amazing,” she said.

Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith has asked Canberrans to remain calm and patient in light of the situation.

“We’ve already heard that we’re starting to see some panic buying, at our supermarkets so like every other jurisdiction has had to do we want to remind you that supermarkets will remain open and that grocery shopping will continue to be allowed during this seven day lockdown,” said Ms. Stephen-Smith.

“Our key message to people is please be patient, be kind with one another and be thoughtful about the way that you respond to what will no doubt be a very difficult situation for many people in our community.

“There is no need for panic buying.”

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