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Millions to be invested in homelessness services

THE ACT government has committed $18 million over four years to expand the capacity of homelessness services in Canberra.

Through the 2020/21 Budget, and as part of a parliamentary agreement between Labor and the Greens, some of the services that will receive funding will include The Early Morning Centre, which will receive $300,000 over two years, OneLink will get $450,000 over two years to increase emergency support and accomodation, ACT Shelter will receive $700,000 over four years, and Mackillop House will get $1.2 million over two years.

The ACT government doesn’t specify where the rest of the money will go or in what budget it will be spent, but Housing and Homelessness Minister Rebecca Vassarotti says: “The services receiving extra funding in this budget support people at all ages and life stages, with fundamentals like food, showers, healthcare and clothing as well as social connection and ultimately, safe and appropriate housing.”

The funding comes after a report from The Productivity Commission last week which highlighted the rental stress and housing instability low-income earners in Canberra are susceptible to.

The government, however, claims they remain more committed than any other state in the country to making public housing more affordable.

Figures the government does not want renters to know

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Ian Meikle, editor

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One Response to Millions to be invested in homelessness services

Stephen Peter Sherlock says: 29 January 2021 at 9:11 pm

I don’t think I have heard so much malarkey about the ACT government caring for homeless people in the ACT I would have thought there history on this subject would prove it they have sold off loads of govt units and what has been built to replace is minuscule.


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